About TeamUSA


▼   1. 什么是质素提升计划?
The Principles of Accreditation attests to the commitment of the Commission on Colleges to the enhancement of the quality of higher education and to the proposition that student learning is at the heart of the mission of all institutions of higher learning. The Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) is a component of the accreditation process that 反映并肯定这两项承诺. 制定QEP作为确认的一部分 process is an opportunity and an impetus for an institution to enhance overall institutional quality and effectiveness by focusing on an issue or issues the institution considers 对提高学生的学习很重要.
▼   2. 学生的学习是如何定义的?
Student learning is defined broadly in the context of the QEP and may address a wide range of topics or issues but, in all cases, the goals and evaluation strategies need to be clearly and directly linked to improving the quality of student learning and 与机构的战略计划保持一致.
▼   3. 美国QEP的教学重点是什么?
The USA QEP utilizes a pedagogical strategy called Team-Based Learning.
▼   4. 什么是基于团队的学习?
Team-Based Learning is a special form of collaborative learning using a specific sequence of individual work, group work and immediate feedback to create a motivational framework in which students increasingly hold each other accountable for coming to class prepared 并参与讨论(迈克尔·斯威特).
▼   5. 美国QEP会持续多久?
美国QEP将于2013年至2018年进行. 2012-2013学年开始 作为项目试点.
▼   6. 美国队的目标是什么?
The goal of TEAM USA is to improve student learning outcomes in STEM courses by increasing critical thinking and collaboration through the utilization of Team-Based Learning 教学策略. 美国队与大学的使命是一致的 “apply knowledge in service to the people of Alabama as citizens of a global community” and also with goal #1 of the University’s strategic plan, “To build upon the academic 大学的质素及学习环境.”



TEAM USA focuses on improving student learning outcomes in STEM courses by increasing critical thinking and collaboration using Team-Based Learning 教学策略.  As such, the goal of the project is for students to achieve higher mastery levels of course content through the application of collaborative learning and critical thinking to real-life 教学场景.  TEAM USA is aligned with the University’s mission to “apply knowledge in service to the people of Alabama as citizens of a global community” and also with goal #1 of the University’s strategic plan, “To build upon the academic quality and learning environment of the University.”    



During the summer of 2012, the QEP Implementation Committee was expanded and repurposed as an 咨询委员会 to oversee the pilot and implementation phases of the project. The purpose of the USA Quality Enhancement Plan 咨询委员会 is to support and guide the development, implementation and assessment of the Quality Enhancement Plan. Responsibilities of council membership are to serve as an advocate of the USA QEP, review and make recommendations for continuous improvement of all aspects of the QEP, including but not limited to, implementation of the plan, assessment, planning and budgeting.


Reference Guide



The process for the development of the Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) at the University of South Alabama (USA) was aligned with planning principles as delineated by Litman (2012). The process included broad-based involvement of all potential stakeholders. These stakeholders included students, faculty, staff, and administrators. During the pilot and implementation phases of the project, the QEP Advisory Committee consisted of students, faculty, staff, alumni, community members and administrators. 


